Tuesday, August 18, 2009

SunCrest Bus Stop Information

To Parents of Ridgeline Elementary students-

A few important reminders regarding the Suncrest Bus Stop!

Bus Assignments/Passes

We have been notified by Dr. Higgins (Principal) that last year’s bus assignments are being carried over. Therefore, we need all children to ride the same bus they were assigned to last year.

Bus passes will be made and handed out again soon. Each child needs to keep this bus pass on their backpacks throughout the year. If they are riding home with a friend on a different bus, they need a letter of permission from their parent to ride the bus.

Also, I am in desperate need of volunteers to help me assemble the 600 bus passes needed this year. Please call me if you can help! (Sarah Kocsis – 801.601.8889)

One-Way traffic flow during bus pick-up and drop-off times

- Enter in by the market (off of Suncrest Drive)
- Exit onto Deer Ridge Road

by way of Deer Ridge to pick up or drop off your children!

Pick-up and drop-off times

The District Transportation Office needs parents to drop off children 5 minutes BEFORE buses arrive. This allows traffic to clear before buses enter the Market entrance, permitting buses to load and depart on schedule and avoid unnecessary danger to our children. This will also alleviate the identified safety hazard of unsupervised children approaching through the traffic area.

Below is the bus schedule. **IMPORTANT** Click on the image for a larger view!

Thank you to all my bus stop volunteers that we’ve had for the past 2 years. We are hoping to not NEED volunteers this year. Per the District Transportation Office, if everyone can come early and follow the One-Way traffic pattern (which has been requested by the District Transportation Office) then we should be okay to do this without the need of daily bus stop volunteers!

We hope to have a great and SAFE year as Suncrest Residents attending Ridgeline Elementary!

Thank you for your cooperation,

Sarah Kocsis

Suncrest Transportation Safety Committee Chairman


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