Monday, June 21, 2010

TRSSD Budget approval

Tuesday, June 22, 2010 at 6:50pm (starts Before normal city council meeting)
Draper City Council Chambers

Public Hearing: Consideratoin of Resolution TRSSD No. 10-02, Adopting the Traverse Ridget Special Service District Budget and Certified Tax Rate for Fiscal yar 2010-2011.

Now is the time to show up and voice any concerns you have about the budget. I found out that at the council meeting on June 15th, it was decided by Stenquist, Walker, and Summerhayes to apply all of the $24,000 costs of the Stop signs to TRSSD because of our climate conditions. If we as residents continue to just sit back and not voice our concerns about the TRSSD the council members will just continue to tax us more!

On June 1st, I approached the city council during the public comments and presented again the idea of having a TRSSD committee board. I gave each of the council members a copy of the letter posted below. I am trying my best to get us some representation but I need the help of you, the residents to show the council you want to be involved in this special tax SunCrest residents have to pay each year. Please take 15 minutes of your time Tuesday night to the council members to show you have a voice and care about SunCrest.

Amy Baird

Letter to Draper City Council:

TRSSD Advisory Committee

Purpose of Advisory Committee is to work with the TRSSD Board and the Draper City Finance Director to review the TRSSD budget and the financials. Upon request from the TRSSD Board the Committee will research issues as needed. Research could be done on major purchases of the TRSSD and finding cost effective ways to use the TRSSD funds, such as snow plowing. The Committee will send all their recommendations to the TRSSD Board.

The Committee will have 3 to 5 members. The committee members must reside in the TRSSD district. The Committee members shall be on a volunteer basis. The Committee chair, appointed by the TRSSD board, shall recommend Committee Members. Committee member terms will normally be for one year. Members may serve two or more years based on experience, requirements, as decided by the TRSSD board of Directors. The TRSSD Board of Directors shall approve the Committee annually. The Committee shall serve under the direction of the TRSSD Board of Directors.

The Committee will meet once a month or as often as necessary. A copy of all the Committee Minutes will be sent to the TRSSD Board in a timely manner.

Reasons the Committee would be beneficial to the TRSSD:
• Give SunCrest residents an opportunity to be involved with the TRSSD tax.
• Once the city takes over the rest of the roads in SunCrest the tax could increase.
• Lots of creative and educated residents that could help find a solution to simplifying Danyce’s complicated tracking system of the snow plow drivers. Therefore reducing the administrative costs associated with TRSSD.
• We could find ways to benefit the TRSSD and city. The portable LED light could be rented or the city buys a portion so it can be used in summer months. Rent snow blower in lower draper.
• The city council members would be the main contact to the residents. The committee would just research and advise on budget issues.
• Research what is most cost effective and reliable on snow removal.

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