Monday, July 13, 2009

SunCrest Daisy Girl Scout Troop

Join a Daisy Girl Scout Troop in SunCrest, find out more about it by contacting Elizabeth Sweat (801) 523-3559 or Nancy Bromfield (801)649-0908

We are trying to start a Daisy Girl Scout Troop in SunCrest.

Daisy Girl Scouts meet in groups of five to 10 with two or more adult leaders in a nurturing, inclusive environment. They go on trips, learn about nature and science, and explore the arts and their communities. Daisy Girl Scouts can also earn Learning Petals and receive participation patches.

There is somewhat of a course outline of what the girls need to accomplish in order earn their badges. We need to be 6-12 girls registered to start a troop.
Our thoughts are that if there was a troop in SunCrest and there were at least four volunteer Moms/Dads then it would be easy to pull off. If there were four volunteers then each of us could be in charge of a week a month and it would not be too much of a burden on anyone. Elizabeth Sweat is happy to be a volunteer if there is enough support/interest in starting a troop and Nancy Bromfield will be the co-leader. There is a $12 annual fee through Girl Scouts of the USA (for insurance/liability purposes); and Nancy's daughter who was in another Daisy troop paid monthly dues of $5.
On Saturday, July 18 there will be information gathering for parents and an activity for the girls at the Girl Scout headquarters. It will be held from 10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ~ 445 East 4500 South ~ Murray.

Please let us know if you have any real interest in: 1. joining the troop2. volunteering3. attending July 18 Email: or


1 comment:

nancybrom said...

Hi, I apologize, I forgot to mention that Daisy Girl Scouts need to be 5 years old and in Kindergarten. In general, Daisy Girl Scouts are in Kindergarten and First Grade.