Thursday, February 12, 2009 Meeting Minutes

Notes from meeting on Tuesday, February 10, 2009, compiled by Denise Borst, Voting Member and Neighborhood Rep.

Draper City has new code regarding blowing snow into the street. It can be found at the Draper City website, under Municipal Code, Section 7-13-030-Real Property to be Kept Clean and Secured.

Section (f) of that code reads: It is unlawful to place or deposit snow, ice or other material upon any City road or highway in such a manner as to interfere with the proper use of the same or in such a way as to obstruct travel or to endanger property or persons upon same.

Section (g) of the code addresses the responsibility of keeping a three-foot clear space around the circumference of fire hydrants, including the removal of trees, shrubs, trash and snow.

It is also the responsibility of homeowners to keep the area around mailboxes cleared of snow. The post office will not deliver mail if they cannot access the box.

Please be mindful that Mondays are our trash days and with all the trash and recycle bins out for collection, it is important to avoid parking in the streets.

Tod Bean updated the status of the efforts to collect past due assessments. 82 resident’s accounts have been sent for collection. Originally, close to 500 late notices were sent out, followed by a second notice to approximately 300 residents. 190 demand lien letters were then sent. So, as you can see, Tod and his staff are getting results with their diligent efforts to collect these past due funds.

The fire station is about 2 months from completion. There were some construction setbacks. The good news is that they have purchased an engine and ambulance for the new station and are in the process of selecting the crews.

DeLaina Tonks reported that she had an up close look at the new snowblower/auger that was purchased with the TRSSD funds for the sole use of the developments that pay the added TRSSD property tax.

No new developer has entered into discussion with Zion’s Bank to purchase and develop the SunCrest property.

Watch for information on the Annual OA Meeting to be held in June.

The next quarterly OA board meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 17, 2009 at 3 p.m. in the SunCrest Information Center.

Denise Borst

1 comment:

Overbaugh Family said...

Delaina and Paul thank you for the work.