Sunday, May 24, 2009

May/June Calendar

Calendar Items:

May 25: Voting Member Ballots DUE!!!

May 29: Joe Friday 6:30-8:30 Free Concert at Village GreenJune 3: 6 :00 pm, Annual Homeowner meeting at Council Chambers, Draper City Hall, 1020 E. Pioneer Rd.

June 5: 4:30-6:30 Child ID Kits at the Info Center

June 6: 12:30-2:30 Child ID Kits at the Info Center

June 6: Slick Rock Gypsies 7:00-8:30 Free Concert at Village Green

June 12: 6:30-8:00pm Arrow Kennels Dog Training Seminar for owners and dogs

June 12: Movie in the Park-Shrek 9:00pm at the Village Green

June 13: Garage Sale, 8 am - noon. The OA will pay for the newspaper announcements. Items that don't sell can be donated at the Community Center parking lot from 12:30-2:00. Big Brothers/Big Sisters will have a truck there.

June 15: Dumpster placed near the Club

June 16: next OA Board meeting, 3:00 pm at the Information Center

June 26: Movie in the Park-Jumanji 9:00pm Village Green

1 comment:

Jack said...

Are the minutes from the OA meeting going to be published? It would be useful for those of us who weren't able to attend.
Charles Stoddard