Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Exercise Class

SunCrest resident, Michelle Harvey, is teaching an exercise class (kickboxing and other things) Tuesdays and Fridays at 8:45 am at the chapel in SunCrest.


M. said...

What chapel?

Anonymous said...

Again, I think it is hard for Mormons to understand that there are about 6.7 billion people who don't share their views on religion. There are other faiths in the world, even here in Draper, and they have chapels too. Trust me, I've seen them.

Jon said...

I think the “Chapel” reference was just an example of the majority religion not being considerate of everyone else who calls this state home. I had thought I was Suncrest’s only token Atheist, maybe not! We need to keep the focus on getting our community center open for all of us to enjoy. That being said, I think it’s very gracious of the LDS church to temporally allow their meeting place (Chapel) be used for non church activities.

SunCrest OA Fraud said...
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